Takedown request

Jamk is primarily responsible for the legality of the material on its website.

The copyright holder has the right to issue a takedown notice upon detecting a copyright infringement on the online service that they cannot rectify by directly contacting the person who published the content.

The takedown notice concerning Jamk’s website should be sent by mail to the following address:

Jamk University of Applied Sciences / Communications
PO Box 207

The takedown notice must include the following information:

  • Name and contact details of the notifier.
  • Specific identification of the material for which removal is requested, along with an explanation of the material’s location.
  • Statement from the notifier affirming that, to their genuine belief, the material subject to the claim is unlawfully accessible on the communication network.
  • Information indicating that the notifier has unsuccessfully presented the content producer with their demand or that the content producer could not be identified.
  • Assurance from the notifier that they are the holder of the copyright or related rights or authorized to act on behalf of the rights holder.
  • Signature of the notifier.