Author’s instructions

Jamk Arena disseminates new, researched and new information produced at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Jamk Arena publishes popular articles for the general public (Jamk Arena Public) and professional articles (Jamk Arena Pro).

The writers of Jamk Arena are mainly experts of Jamk staff as well as students. Articles may include experts from outside Jamk, but the basis for accepting the manuscript is that at least one of the authors belongs to Jamk staff. We also publish high-quality writings by Jamk students at our discretion. However, articles written by students are not included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication data collection.

If you have submitted or are in the process of submitting a manuscript on the same topic to another publisher, please inform the editorial board of Jamk Arena. Articles published in Jamk Arena contain new professional knowledge that has not been previously published in the format reported in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s data collection.

Suggest keywords for your publication that are established concepts for the topic. For the form of the subject headings, use the General Finnish Ontology (YSO).

More detailed instructions for the author are in Jamk’s intranet (requires login).

Popular publications refer to publications that disseminate research and development based information to the general public and whose content does not require special familiarity with the field. The language popular and professional slang is avoided.

The guideline length for a popular article in Jamk Arena is about 3,000–6,000 characters, including spaces, excluding the list of references. The guideline length is not absolute, but the text can be shorter or longer if necessary.

Professional articles

A professional publication refers to publications that disseminate research and development based information for professional use. The main readership of professional publications is trained in the field, who applies the information in their practical work.

The guideline length for a professional article is about 5,000–10,000 characters, including spaces, excluding the list of references. If necessary, the writing can also be longer than the guideline length.

Podcasts and videos

Podcasts and videos are published in Jamk Arena as an embed from, for example, YouTube, Panopto, Soundcloud or Spotify, if they meet the criteria for publication data collection. For the publication data collection, videos and podcasts must be published on Jamk’s channels, which have their own editorial board.

Editorial process

Submit your manuscript with images and other attachments by email to

All publications published in Jamk Arena are evaluated by the editorial board. You will receive feedback from the editorial board on your publication and you can edit your publication based on the feedback. You will also receive feedback and suggestions for language improvement.

The editorial board will notify you when your publication is published and will handle the reporting of articles to the JUSTUS publication data storage service. For podcasts and videos, the responsibility for storing the data in the JUSTUS storage service lies with the author himself.

The editorial board also has the right to decide not to publish the publication.

More detailed instructions for the author and information on the editorial process in Jamk’s intranet (requires login).