Kirsi Knuuttila

Kirsi Knuuttila

Project Manager

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

In Jamk, I work in various development and expert roles as a project manager and specialist. In recent years, my tasks have been intertwined in various ways with circular economy and sustainability. Previously, I worked more with bioeconomy and renewable energy. My educational background includes a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering, EU expertise training, and project management certification (IPMA).

Over the years, I have been involved in many regional, national, and international projects. For example, I have had the opportunity to meet researchers, teachers, and leaders from top bioeconomy universities in Uzbekistan, discuss Uzbekistan's bioeconomy, and see various bioeconomy production chains in practice.

I represent JAMK in several networks, such as the resource wisdom network of the city of Jyväskylä, the environmental education network of Central Finland, the environmental responsibility network of Central Finland companies, and the Finnish UAS joint working group to promote sustainability and responsibility in RDI activities of universities of applied sciences. I am particularly enthusiastic about my work in Jamk's sustainable development working group, where I currently serve as the chair.
My educational tasks are related to circular economy and sustainability, including several months lasting continuing education trainings and small-scale teaching tasks in Master and Bachalor degree programmes.

Articles by Kirsi Knuuttila (2)

Peltomaisemaa, jossa pelto täynnä matalia pensaita. Aurinko paistaa kirkkaasti vasemmassa yläkulmassa.

Arena Pro


Biotalouden osaamistarpeet Uzbekistanissa

Teknologia ja teollisuus Ympäristö ja kestävyys

Uzbekistan on suuri Keski-Aasiassa sijaitseva tasavalta, jossa biotalous on merkittävä toimiala niin kansantalouden kuin työllisyyden osalta. Globalisaation myötä Uzbekistanin biotalous ja siihen liittyvät teollisuuden alat ovat suuressa murroksessa. Se edellyttää paljon uudenlaista osaamista ja uudenlaisia toimintatapoja sekä rakenteiden uudistamista.

Tanks or reservoirs for aeration and purification or cleansing sewage in wastewater treatment plant.

Arena Public


Uzbekistan’s university staff getting inspired about bioeconomy innovations

Education and Learning Environment and Sustainability

Bioeconomy forms the base of the Uzbekistan’s economy in terms of economic growth and employment. Uzbekistan aims to boost its bioeconomy capacities as well as education. While developing bioeconomy master programme the Uzbek university staff also have enhanced their practical bioeconomy knowledge through study visits in Finland and the Baltic countries.