Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for Jamk Arena online journals

EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679)

Updated 12 December 2023.

1 Register name

Jamk Arena online journals Jamk Arena Public and Jamk Arena Pro

2 Register holder

Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Ltd.

PO BOX 207 FI-40101 Jyväskylä

+358 20 743 8100

3 Contact person for the register holder

Person responsible for the register: Vice Rector responsible for research.

Persons responsible for the process: Editor-in-chief of Jamk Arena Public and Editor-in-chief of Jamk Arena Pro

Contact person for the register: arena[at]

4 Data protection officer of the register holder

Requests for the implementation of the data subject’s rights shall be addressed to the data protection officer of the register holder: tietosuoja[at]

Ask for advice and instructions: tietosuoja[at]

5 Purpose of processing personal data

The purpose of the register information is to document the personal data of Jamk Arena’s publications (author’s first and last name and affiliation information). Personal data is a prerequisite for the publication to be included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication data collection.

6 Register data content

The personal data collected for Jamk Arena’s publications are the author’s first and last name and the author’s affiliation information (background organization information). With the author’s consent, the author’s photograph (staff photo), a free-form writer description, a possible ORCID researcher identifier, and a possible Researcher Information profile published in the Science and service are also linked to the author information.

7 Legal basis for processing data

The author’s consent to the publication.

8 Regular sources of information

Information obtained with the author’s consent from Jamk University of Applied Sciences employee information and personal data obtained with the author’s consent, including external authors.

9 Regular disclosures of data and transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

10 Principles of register protection

Manual material

The register does not contain manually collected material.

Data stored on computers

Electronic materials are protected by usernames and passwords. The servers are located in the EU or EEA area.

11 Data retention

Author information related to publications will be retained indefinitely.

12 Profiling and automatic decision-making

No automated profiling related to personal data is performed.

13 Rights of the data subject As a registered person, you have the right to:

  • receive information about the processing of personal data
  • access data
  • correct data
  • restrict data processing
  • notification obligation regarding the correction or restriction of personal data
  • object to data processing
  • not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing without a legal basis
  • ask about the processing of your own data and rights: tietosuoja(a)
  • file a complaint with the supervisory authority, contact details:

14 General description of Jamk Arena’s technical and administrative security measures

The purpose of processing personal data at Jamk Arena is to document author information related to publications (author’s first and last name and affiliation information). Personal data is a prerequisite for the publication to be included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication data collection.

Jamk Arena’s online publications are delivered and published using the open-source WordPress content management system. The content management system stores author information for publications, which is obtained from the registered person separately by giving consent to Jamk’s employee information and directly from the authors with their consent. Personal data of authors outside of Jamk is stored in connection with publications with their consent.

In WordPress, the security measure for processing personal data is based on Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences’ staff’s personal email address and the associated password.